Hey you out there,
Five months - that's such a long time...
I am back to Germany to my old new life in the city where I studied and where I have left my boyfriend and friends behind to work and find adventures in Manchester. I am even back to my old workplace. So, does it feel like I have never been away? NO!
I have met fantastic, funny, chaotic, helpful strangers who became friends.
I worked in so many different projects I couldn't imagine to ever master.
I have seen places all over the UK I never thought I would want to visit.
I have seen unique landscapes in beautiful National Parks.
I have done courses I always loved to do but never did in Germany.
I ate food I never thought I would love and miss.
I drank more tea than even at my mum's.
I did my driving licence on the left side of the road.
I bought and sold my first car Océane.
I managed to hold a long-distance relationship.
I learned to be happy about every sunshine you get.
I learned patience when waiting for a bus.
I got addicted to TopGear and Hot Chocolate from Whittard.
I think I understand the Scottish a lot better.
I haven't seen Nessie and still don't like Whisky.
I experienced the coldest winter in the UK in over 30 years.
I watched football for the first time ever in a stadium.
I met relatives I have never seen before or have not seen in ages.
I learned more about British customs (I love Pancake Day!).
I learned quite a few swearwords... and flying words.
I still don't get the British humour.
I visited a lot of castles (mostly ruines).
I was several times very close to the Queen (but didn't to see her).
I have been to a dungeon.
I could go on and on with this list. It's almost uncountable.
I learned more about myself and got more confident in many aspects.
I definitely don't regret having spent 18 months of my young life in Manchester and I will never ever forget this extraordinary time in this multi-faced town.
I would like to thank everyone who crossed my way during my time there and made it even more special. Looking back I really can't tell what I expected when I took that job and went on the plane. But it turned out to be better than everything I could have imagined despite the fact that sometimes I wanted to give up and go on the next airplane back to Stuttgart.
This is my last report until I go back to Manchester. And I do hope to get the chance to go back and see the people who helped me through hard times and laughed with me in good times.
Please take care and keep me in good memory.
All the best from Germany
Yours Stefanie Victor
vor 15 Jahren